
Electric Walkie Stackers

These cost-effective and cutting-edge walkie stacker trucks are ideal for both light and heavy lifting and stacking tasks in a warehouse setting. They are constructed with high-quality materials and have been intelligently engineered to deliver exceptional maneuverability with a narrow turning radius and impressive travel speeds. Additionally, these trucks have been designed with the operator’s comfort and safety in mind, offering a variety of features to meet the rigorous demands of a busy warehouse environment. We offer a range of walkie stacker models with different lifting capacities, including straddle leg and reach stacker options, all of which are guaranteed to enhance productivity and optimize efficiency in your business operations.

Electric Walkie Stackers

Hangcha Forklift A series Lithium Walkie Stacker 1200-1500kgs
A Series Electric Lithium-ion
Straddle Walkie Stacker
1-1.5 Tonne Lift Capacity
Walkie Stackers
A Series Electric Lithium-ion
Walkie Stacker
1.4-2 Tonne Lift Capacity
A Series Electric Lithium-ion
Walkie Stacker
1.4-2 Tonne Lift Capacity
A Series Electric Lithium-ion
Walkie Stacker
0.8-2 Tonne Lift Capacity

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